Banquet and Keynote Address “Honorable Interpreters and Where They Are Found” by Joseph Featherstone followed by DJ & Dancing

CEU: 0.2 BEI: 2019313 E. RID: WRKSP62493VIWR

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BEI Forum

Coming soon

CEU: 0.15 BEI: 2019296 G. RID: WRKSP62477AAWF

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BEI Trilingual Advanced Test Prep

This workshop will be based on the information provided by the BEI trilingual interpreting guide. It will provide the opportunity to practice, improve and get feedback on skills such as voicing, expressive interpreting, and sight translation. Part 1 of the workshop will focus on the sight translation, expressive, and receptive parts. Part 2 of the workshop will focus on the three-person interactive. The purpose of this workshop is to expose new ones to the test structure, encourage interpreters to take the trilingual performance test, and improve current skills used by working trilingual interpreters. 

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019277 G. RID: WRKSP61779WTEC

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Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019281 G. RID: WRKSP61783NSCY

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Building Bridges of Trust THAT!

This 3 hour (.3 CEU) workshop will focus on ways we can share intercultural spaces in relationship with one another. We each come from different backgrounds and/or cultures and sometimes it can be difficult to truly see and/or understand another person(s) or culture(s) perspective(s). We will discuss the multiple spaces/places we inhabit in our respective cultures and visit the idea that there is an oppressor that lives within each of us (Freire, Paulo). This “oppressor within” as Freire calls it might be preventing us from building bridges of trust toward each another. We will use theater exercises and comedy in this workshop as tools to build bridges and to keep things light. We will re-think and discuss how we can continue to re-orientate where we are positioned in our work and in our lives, so that we can continue the work of building bridges of trust with each other and with the clients we work with. Come join Tracey Huguley M.A. and your colleagues in this workshop by analyzing how we inhabit our worlds and how we might build bridges of trust with our colleagues and clients by re-inventing new ways of being in these spaces/places in relationship with one another. 

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019274 E. RID: WRKSP61776LOTA

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Repeated Session – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019286 E. RID: WRKSP61898FHJV

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Can I do THAT? Ethical Considerations for Educational Interpreters

Educational interpreters often face situations that leave them feeling as though they should have done “something different”, but aren’t sure what other options are open to them in the struggle to maintain ethical responsibility. Because we have so many roles within our job of educational interpreter, we struggle in understanding when, where, and how our Code of Professional Conduct applies. In this workshop, we will cover these topics, as well as looking at other options available to us when we are not functioning in the specific role of interpreter. The goal of this workshop is to empower you to do your job more efficiently, and feel comfortable in how to wear the many hats educational interpreters wear everyday.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019286 E. RID: WRKSP61898FHJV

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Contract Interpreters SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019302 G. RID: WRKSP62483HCPM

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Deaf Parented Interpreters SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019304 G. RID: WRKSP62485RYVO

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Deaf/Hearing Interpreter Teams: Mirror Imaging

Coming soon

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019279 I. RID: WRKSP61781AINT

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Did you put my Birdcage in the Refrigerator

Coming soon

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019275 M. RID: WRKSP61777YEDL

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Due Diligence Du Jour: Exploring Legal Implications of Medical and Mental Health Interpreting

Coming soon

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019288 M. RID: WRKSP61900CPQP

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Educational SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019297 G. RID: WRKSP62478EFBW

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Empathy with your Team and Deaf Client

Deaf Presentation that brings the community to the interpreters. Improve ASL communication through IMPROV. Come play and learn to “LET GO” of the words.

It is our goal to STRETCH the emotions of the interpreter to assist in the meta message. It is our goal to STRETCH the mind to understand the FULL CONCEPT, and it is our goal to STRETCH the communication techniques to get OUT of the WORD interpretation.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019310 I. RID: WRKSP62490EFFF

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Forensic Listening

As interpreters we are forever using our ears, however are we using specific listening techniques to get to the message. If we are interpreting word for word, we have only heard the explicit information. My first book (with the art work presently) is the Silencing the Negative committee.

What are the TOOLs we use to SELF-Validate ourselves? In this workshop we open to Reflection

and increasing our skills in awareness. Metacognitive Analysis and the use of expansions open an interpreter’s awareness to a clearer representation of the message being communicated.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019278 I. RID: WRKSP61780KJLY

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Repeated Session – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019291 I. RID: WRKSP62472VHQM

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How to Thrive Financially as an Independent Contractor

Meeting requirements of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a contractor is not as difficult as many believe; however, there are some stringent rules to which need to be adhered. This workshop will cover the basics, specific to interpreting, an individual needs to do to work as an independent contractor. This 2.0-hour interactive workshop will allow questions and answers during/after the power-point driven presentation.

CEU: 0.2 BEI: 2019272 I. RID: WRKSP61774HWFN

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Interpreter Coordinator SIG / Be a Diplomat Not a Warrior

Coming Soon

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019300 G. RID: WRKSP62481OLJF

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Interpreter Educators SIG

Due to the adversarial nature of many advocacy strategies, the need to maintain good relationships with a business can compromise negotiation attempts. Great negotiators don’t fight. Negotiation is a communication process that occurs when multiple parties discuss a problem and through dialogue attempt resolution. Your message and the way you deliver your message, is key. So, how do you open them up so hear what you have to say? Join us this session to learn effective strategies for the provision of qualified interpreting services. 

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019283 G. RID: WRKSP61785HXEB

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Interpreting For God… And You Thought Legal Was Hard!

Religious or church interpreting is one of the most challenging settings for interpreters. Though frequently minimized, the complex and varied nature of the religious setting requires the interpreter to be competent in navigating all styles of linguistic register. Many of the components of church or religious settings involve challenging language features such as frozen/archaic texts, figurative and metaphoric language, and the atypical expression of information through songs/hymns, prayers, sermons, and Scripture. Religious terminology is richly layered and often carries multiple meanings as well being habitually over generalized. Participants will discuss their individual religious lexicons and how differing denomination influence sign language choices. During this workshop, the participants will have the opportunity to conceptually interpret religious terminology (i.e., light, grace, bless) into ASL and also how to interpret scriptural passages. [This workshop is taught primarily from the Christian/Protestant perspective]

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019308 I. RID: WRKSP62488KMNH

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Interpreting the Dark Side

The interpreting profession has a sense of camaraderie unlike many other professions. As part of a human services profession we have the honor and privilege of being present at some of the most sacred moments in the lives of Deaf people. Yet, in spite of all this goodness, there is a darker, less desirable side to our profession. Some of the dark marks on our profession are lateral (or horizontal) violence, the absence of grace and compassion for our colleagues, and personal/professional comparisons. These are just a few of the “weeds” growing in the field of interpreting, however, it does not have to remain this way. This workshop will address being agents of change, deliberately building goodwill, and additional strategies to become undivided, whole practitioners for our own benefit and for the benefit of the people we serve.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019293 I. RID: WRKSP62474NMDD

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Repeated Session – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019293 I. RID: WRKSP62474NMDD

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Legal SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019298 G. RID: WRKSP62479XEQS

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Multicultural SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019305 G. RID: WRKSP62486JOBI

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Non-Manual Markers

Coming soon

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019318 I. RID: WRKSP62497NKPR

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Oral Interpreters and Translators SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019303 G. RID: WRKSP62484AUKE

Evaluation Link: NONE

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President’s Reception

 Coming soon

CEU: 0.15 BEI: 2019280 G. RID: WRKSP61782HJAC

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Professional Deaf Interpreters SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019282 G. RID: WRKSP61784INXL

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Pronominal Systems (Pronouns) in ASL

Through a combination of lecture and group activities we will explore the liguistic foundations of pronouns and the role they play in language. We will study the phonetic, morphemic, syntactic and semantic elements of pronouns to properly incorporate pronominal strategies in ASL and make our messages clearly understood.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019276 I. RID: WRKSP61778QBTS

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Religious Interpreters SIG

Coming soon

CEU: 0.1 BEI: 2019299 G. RID: WRKSP62480MKKC

Evaluation Link: NONE

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Sensational! An Exploration of Non-Verbal Indicators

This workshop wil focus on the role our 5 senses play on our interpretation. We will analyze how what we “sense” can impact our interpreting through possibly unintended non-verbal indicators. We will learn what’s important and not important to interpret and how to be aware of how the environment can impact our interpreting process.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019312 I. RID: WRKSP62492LMPE

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Swimming with the Sharks Part 1 & Part 2

Interpreting in the Mental Health setting is arguably the most challenging setting for sign language interpreters. This workshop will provide the beginning interpreter with techniques specific to the mental health setting. These will include sign-to-voice interpreting of disordered form, applying the RID Code of Professional Conduct and coping with transference and countertransference issues. Attention will also be given to the emotional issues, both intra- and inter-psychic which the mental health setting can bring to the fore.

Par t – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019292 M. RID: WRKSP62473LBMM

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Part 2- CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019311 M. RID: WRKSP62491IXOL

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THAT Ethics Panel

We will discuss how Trust, Honor, Accept, Thrive relate to the PCP primarily through panel participation / discussion of various ethical scenarios

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019289 E. RID: WRKSP61901VTCL

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THAT! In Educational Settings: Connecting with your Deaf Client

This workshop works with LANGUAGE and Respect. How often do we actually access the students language skills? How often do our students only stare at us. In this workshop we develop personal interaction awareness and linguistic techniques that are BEYOND THE WORD

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019285 I. RID: WRKSP61897IMJD

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The Art of Teaming: Deaf/Hearing Interpreter Team Part 1 & 2

Successful team interpreting is an art with well-developed trust as its cornerstone. Through team-

building activities to strengthen dynamic interpersonal rapport and hands-on interpreting activities,

presenters will add color and dimension to artistic teaming by laying out pitfalls and clarifying

problem-solving techniques in various settings to enhance team masterpieces.

Part 1 – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019287 I. RID: WRKSP61899EPAI

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Part 2 – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019294 I. RID: WRKSP62475TXEE

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Trilingual SIG / Role Space in TriLingual Settings

This workshop will define role space in interpreting based on the research and via dimensions of behavior. We will explore how trilingual settings differ from bilingual settings.We will plot the dimensions of behavior for different scenarios and examine what needs to change in order to increase success.

CEU: 0.2 BEI: 2019301 G. RID: WRKSP62482RGMN

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Trust and Honor the Deaf Community: Qualified to Interpret

There is no better way to Trust and Honor the Deaf Community than to understand our skills and limitations and to know what the laws say about our qualifications. Using the PCP we will learn to self analyze to determine our qualifications to interpret in certain settings. We wll also discuss professional ways to explain why we are not qualified for certain situations and how to decline and offer other resources to the parties involved.

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019290 E. RID: WRKSP61902RHBQ

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Repeated – CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019317 E. RID: WRKSP62496DHNR

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Vicarious Trauma

The concept of vicarious trauma and how it impacts our work as interpreters is often overlooked. This leads to burnout, depression and health concerns. This workshop will teach some techniques to prevent the negative effects from the often trauma inducing acts and information we witness as interpreters.

CEU: 0.2 BEI: 2019273 M. RID: WRKSP61775THMA

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Working without a Net: Interpreting for Minimal Language Competency Students in an Educational Setting

We’ve all worked with students who are difficult to understand. We’ve all worked with students who have a hard time understanding us. However, we are seeing an increasing population of students who have limited- to no- language base for us to work with as interpreters. What we think of as a “traditional interpreting model” does not work the way we are used to using it, and we often find ourselves completely unprepared for how to meet these additional language challenges. Some of these student may know a few home signs that have helped them get by with families unable to communicate any other way, and a few have developed rudimentary lip reading skills in the native language used by their families. None of this is readily helpful to an educational interpreter trying to accurately relay academic information with no common linguistic foundation. It is easy for a student who doesn’t share a language base with his/her peers and the adults in his/her life to feel shame and a total loss of self-worth, not to mention the fear and frustration that comes from living in a linguistic vacuum. Recognizing that you are working with a student such as this is only the first step in helping him/her connect to a world that has been locked to this point in his/her life. The worst thing we, as interpreters, can do for this child is to pretend that we understand and are being understood out of fear of failing as an interpreter or because we simply don’t know how to help.

In this workshop, we will look at who can be classified as having “minimal language competency” or “MLC”, and how that affects what we do as interpreters. We will discuss the idea of giving ourselves permission to work outside the normal parameters of the interpreting paradigm — even in an educational setting, and learn how to use our Code of Professional Conduct as a tool for helping us meet the new interpreting challenges faced in working with MLC clients. We will look at how to recognize and identify the gaps we see, as well as ways to bridge those gaps, and tools we can use to help build the necessary bridges. This is an informative and interactive workshop that is meant to present new ideas and allow for practice in a safe learning environment. Participants will be presented with information, tools, and access to shared resources in order to help them build a working “MLC toolbox” to use when faced with these extraordinary clients.  

CEU: 0.3 BEI: 2019307 I. RID: WRKSP62487VBSD

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