Consecutive Interpreting, Notetaking & Witness Testimony PART 2
Consecutive Interpreting, Notetaking & Witness Testimony PART 2
Carla MatthersROSS
"This seminar will define consecutive interpreting and notetaking for use in court and legal settings by example and illustration of spoken language interpreting theory and practice. The seminar will present evidence from research in the field of sign language interpreting demonstrating the effective ness of the mode. Participants will engage in intra-language exercises for notetaking in legal settings and then engage in interlingual transfer of information using consecutive interpreting techniiques including notetaking. The seminar will explore various methods of notetaking with team interpreting techniques used in witness tesimony. Model consecutive interpreting segments will be shown and discussed."
Attendees are asked to bring an electronic device (laptop or tablet preferred) to this workshop. If you do not have one, you will be able to share with someone who does.
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