Tony Starking: Use of Space in ASL
Tony Starking: Use of Space in ASL
Alaina WebbCENTURY 1
"Grammatical use of space for ASL takes on a new dimension when compared to the work of Tony Stark in Marvel’s Avengers. Beginning interpreters have often learned to use left and right space as a technique of displaying ASL grammar. They aren’t often sure exactly how to use it, but it is at least something they have learned. However, there is so much more to the use of grammatical space than simply right and left placement. Using all of the sign space available is critical to being able to organize a visual language and convey a fully interpreted equivalent message in ASL. This workshop plays off of the work of Robert Downey, Jr. as “Tony Stark” in Marvel’s Avengers. Space will be used as a “green screen” visualization where participants will place and manipulate both concrete ideas and more abstract concepts. The workshop will include text analysis and mapping exercises in order to help participants better visualize how “Tony Starking” can be applied to multiple topics and situations. Employing this technique in deliberate practice will help interpreters visual spoken English source language in terms of how it can be organized and represented more visually in ASL. The technique can also be used to adjust or correct a visual message originally organized one way that may be better represented another way."
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