Mentoring Techniques: Metacognitive Analysis


Taught by Bonnie Faye Gibson-Brydon

ASL with no ASL to English interpretation

CEU:0.3, BEI Category:Interpreting (I.), RID Category:PS

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Taught by Bonnie Faye Gibson-Brydon

Workshop synopsis: Questions a mentor might ask: How does intention and inquiry enhance the message being interpreted? As we look through the magnifying glass at the quality of our professional interpreting work, what do you see? What is your intention as you listen and process the message? How does inquiry build confidence and enhance the clarity of the message? Do you have a game plan as a Mentor? Are you a ‘mentee’, however have a group that want to work together? The call is now! The available workshops, many excellent, are non-stop. How are you retaining the information? What is your practice to integrate the information into your work? How do you turn free resources into Mentoring opportunities? And then, how do you pay it back??

Presenter Bio: Bonnie Faye has been interpreting for 45 years, presenting for 35 years. Her agency, Pula Legal Interpreting (1997), specializes in court and tri-lingual assignments in Mental Health environments (which opened new perspectives on presenting ethics). Bonnie is a Licensed Practitioner/Chaplin- (2007). Starting in educational interpreting (EEC- 1975), as a freelance interpreter (1982), in the courts (1999) and VRS (2004), presently the team trial interpreter with Deaf Prosecutor (2010). Bonnie brings laughter and activities to her workshops. Get ready to open up, laugh and appreciate new ways of learning interpreting skills!