Path to the BEI Court Certification
Path to the BEI Court Certification
Lara Waggner & Randi TurnerCORPS
"If presenting courtroom interpreting basic workshops has shown me anything, it is that there is a lot of confusion about HOW to become a court certified interpreter through the BEI system in Texas. In workshops I've taught recently I keep hearing statements such as, "To become court certified in Texas you have to have a bachelors degree." False. "I don't have the time to accrue the mandatory 120 training hours needed to become court certified." No longer the case. "I don't know any of the state certified approved court mentors required for the process to ask." No longer required. "The BEI court performance test isn't being administered yet." Yes it is. The purpose of this workshop is to articulate clearly the accurate and current path to obtaining the Texas BEI court certification. In this workshop, we will cover the history of the court certification and its evolution. Then the required prerequisite PSI written exam will be covered in detail. Candidates will also be introduced to the format of the Texas BEI court certification performance test and even be exposed to a mock BEI court interpreter performance examination vignette. The court certification process for Certified Deaf Interpreters will also be explained. *Participants will need to bring a video recording device to this workshop and be prepared to work in partners."
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