CPC Tenet 7.2 and 2.6: Laws, Policies, and, Rules Affecting The Profession and Judicially Provide I&R

“The guiding principles behind the Code of Professional Conduct (CPC) “represent concepts of confidentiality, linguistic and professional competence, impartiality, professional growth and development, ethical business practices, and the rights of participants in interpreted situations to informed choice. The driving force behind the guiding principles is the notion that the interpreter will do no harm” (www.rid.org)….

A Study in Interpreting Ethics

In the first section of this workshop, the facilitator will introduce the basic concepts of the Demand Control Schema . The facilitator will then introduce specific terminology and begin simple situational analysis 1 through examples using the DC-S principles. Each situation discussed will be more intricate, as participants learn to identify the various demands, Environmental,…