Communication Axess Ability Group (CAAG) Logo


Building Bridges: Communicating without a Shared Language Base

These days interpreters are finding themselves faced with clients who have little to no formal language. These clients often face serious circumstances in which their life or liberties are on the line, and interpreters are expected to identify the language deficits and figure out how to build the connections that are missing. When working with clients who have no formal language, what we think of as a “traditional interpreting model” does not work the way we are used to using it, and we often find ourselves completely unprepared for how to meet these additional language challenges. In this workshop, we will look at how to recognize these deficits and how to build bridges that allow our clients better access to the world around them. We will share tools and ideas to help you feel more confident and be more successful when working in a minimal language competency environment.

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